Restaurant SICHER

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KAVIAR inquiry

A product of nature –„SICHER Char Caviar pure   Sicher Kaviar Geschenkskugel   Char caviar is harvested from the end of October until the beginning of December, whereby the considerate and species-appropriate keeping of the fish is a highly important concern of ours. Our fish are not harmed in any way during the harvesting process, and the roe is only harvested at the peak maturity level.   You are therefore presented with a product from happy fish, whereby the quality of the product is emphasised only by a mild seasoning with top quality salt. This allows our char caviar to keep for up to 6 months, when kept at a constant temperature (+3 to -3 degrees celsius). We sell and ship the caviar directly from our restaurant and offer the following products:   130 g SICHER Char Caviar (á € 42,00) 130 g SICHER Char Caviar - Gift packaging (á € 47,00) 200 g SICHER Char Caviar (á € 63,00) 250 g SICHER Char Caviar (á € 75,00)   For inquiries related related to our caviar, please contact us via telephone or using the form here. Minimum order quantity 2 glases Char Caviar.    

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Herzlich Willkommen im Gourmetrestaurant der Familie Sicher in Tainach.




Wir haben Betriebsurlaub

und öffnen unser Restaurant wieder

am 17. April ( Gründonnerstag ) 2025.






Saiblingskaviar wird von Ende Oktober bis Anfang Dezember geerntet, wobei uns die schonende und artgerechte Tierhaltung ein besonderes Anliegen ist. Unsere Fische werden Punktgenau am Reifegrad gemolken und bleiben vollkommen unbeschadet.

Zur Kaviaranfrage »

Sicher News

Machen Sie mit und gewinnen Sie mit einem beeindruckenden “Sicher-Kaviar Genuss-Foto” zu Hause, unter Freunden oder mit Kollegen! Das beste Foto erhält ein exklusives “Sicher Gourmetmenü für 2 Personen inklusive
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Sicher Char Caviar

Entwined by many myths, caviar is well-known as a culinary drug. Those who eat caviar, love well and eat healthily.
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Sicher Art Enjoyment

Art is at home in many different subjects. Whilst we express our creativity in a culinary-artistic way in the Sicher
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Sicher Video

Over the years, there have been a number of interesting TV reports on our restaurant. Many good memories have been
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Fish restaurant Sicher LP

Muehlenweg 2

9121 Tainach


  +43 4239 2638   

  +43 4239 2638 2   

E:  office@sicherrestaurant.at

Opening hours

November: Freitag und Samstag

Dezember: Mittwoch bis Samstag

11:30 – 14 Uhr, 18 – 21:30 Uhr



  • Credit- and debit-cards are not accepted at our restaurant.
  • Out of respect to other guests, dogs are not permitted on our grounds.
  • Our restaurant is non-smoking only.




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